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Going through a divorce is a tough time, and there are times when you may be tempted to go on social media to vent your frustrations and let the world know what’s going on. You may also want to use social media platforms to get advice from support groups or friends, or family.

However, using social media during your divorce should be done responsibly and thought through. This is because using social media platforms can cause more pain or become a disadvantage to your legal position. So, if you live on social media there are few things you should keep in mind that will keep you and everyone involved in a safe space.

What are some dos and don’ts for social media during a divorce?

While the divorce case is ongoing, limit your social media use until you get your bearings,or in some cases, you may want to consider pausing your account. Avoid talking about your ex to your friends, and don’t post any pictures of yourself that have the potential to harm your custody case if you have children. The most important thing is not to speak badly about your ex, no matter how frustrated you become.

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a source of stress..

Here are some dos and don’ts for using social media while going through your breakup or ending your marriage:

Acceptable Social Media Use

● Your personal information is private so keep it that way. If you want to share something on Facebook or Instagram, be sure that it’s not something that could hurt your case or cause issues with child custody.

● Post regularly or continue to post as you did so people know you are still active.

● Send out birthday wishes and congratulations whenever you can. You might want to avoid making posts about how much fun you’re having without your soon to be ex. Some things speak for themselves.

● Do keep the language and interacting civil and respectful; making personal attacks is never a good idea overall.

● Do use hashtags when posting about your divorce—that way, you can reach more people who are going through similar experiences and get support from them.

● Do block certain people from seeing your posts if they’re being negative or spreading rumors about you.

● Do post about the things you’re doing during your divorce and how excited you are for the future. You can even share positive things about your ex if they’re true, but avoid posting anything negative or untrue.

● Do post about the kids, but only if it’s something positive and appropriate for them. For example, you can share photos of them enjoying themselves at school, playing with friends, or just hanging out with family members at home on vacation together.

Things Not to Do on Social Media

● Give anyone else access to your social media accounts or passwords. You never know what might end up being used against you in court later on down the road if someone else gets their hands on it first!

● Don’t post anything that could be considered defamatory or libelous.

● Don’t post about how much you’re missing your ex, even if it’s true. You don’t want to get into a fight on a public platform with your ex.

● Don’t post anything that will hurt anyone else involved in the divorce process, like children or other family members, unless there’s an emergency situation and you need someone else’s help.

Divorce and Social Media Recap

In the end, it’s important to remember that going through a divorce is as emotional and difficult as it is complex. This will not be easy, and there are no quick solutions or solutions that are right for everyone. It will take time, lots of patience, and, most importantly, love for yourself for you to make your way through this difficult experience.

The Law Offices of Rappleye & Rappleye in Jackson are here to help with all aspects of your divorce or family law matter. Sound legal advice from experienced divorce attorneys will help achieve a favorable outcome for all involved, especially children. So if you are thinking of divorce, have a custody matter or are struggling with dividing your property, the expertise of our family law firm is what you need. Call for a Free Consultation and begin your new normal with assurance.